[emacs-berlin] February 2021 meetup

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Mon Feb 22 18:58:49 UTC 2021

Hi all,

The next meetup is in two days, Wednesday 24th, February 2021.

As usual, if you have something to present, you're very welcome! Let us
know in advance to make it a bit easier for everyone to know what to
expect, but also feel free to spontaneously join in, and grab the

=== Time and location

Room open from 18:30 CET, "official" start at 19:00 CET.

The video link is going to be:


Some of us also hang out on IRC, #emacs-berlin on freenode.

After the January meetup there was some research into alternative
meeting places such as workadventure, but no concrete outcome yet, so I
suppose it'll be at our trusty Jitsi server again. If you want to
experiment with an existing workadventure instance, let me know then I
can give you access.

=== Code of Conduct

Please note that we want to be an inclusive and welcoming event and as
such have adopted the Berlin Code of Conduct [1].

cheers, Til

[1] https://berlincodeofconduct.org/
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