[emacs-berlin] November Meetup

Fermin fmfs at posteo.net
Sun Nov 22 16:18:23 UTC 2020

I use straight.el <https://github.com/raxod502/straight.el> which has 
some interesting features for managing packages such as
Configuration reproducibility 
so it easy to keep the package to a certain version.

You can also download package from a repository, with just the git URL, 
similar to quelpa.
Doom Emacs has an interesting early-init.el 
file, with some nice tweaks.


On 22/11/2020 15:40, jman wrote:
> Tilmann Singer writes:
>> Anybody have something talk-like to announce? Otherwise we'll have a
>> free flowing conversation with lots of cool impromptu show-and-tells as
>> usual.
> I'm pretty swamped next week, so I'm not sure I can even attend, but I
> can chime in with a support request.
> Yesterday I have "ported" my configuration to Emacs 27, but I'm still a
> bit confused on how to use the early-init.el to effectively manage
> package installation combined with `use-package`.
> Basically I suffer a chicken-and-egg kind of issue, and only on clean
> installations; could not yet make it work completely unattended, such
> as:
> - On a first clean emacs27 install `use-package`
> - Then automatically install all packages as they appear in my init.el by `(use-package foo)`
> - On the second emacs run don't keep on querying with `M-x package-refresh-contents`
> If anyone has insights on this workflow, I'd be happy to learn more about it
> regards,
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