[emacs-berlin] May Meetup

Ilia Kurenkov ilia.kurenkov at gmail.com
Wed May 27 13:07:54 UTC 2020

My current pain points:

- When opening a project I have to manually activate the virtualenv every
- When switching projects I have to manually change the virtualenv. In
general it seems tricky to maintain different Python environments inside
one frame.
- This is specific to projectile, but its command that executes tests is
very fragile. For some projects it works and for some it doesn't. I've
skimmed the projectile documentation, but couldn't really find anything
that addresses this point.
- Anaconda mode is a complete black box. It's unclear how and which version
of Python it picks up on.


On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 2:04 PM Andreas Röhler <
andreas.roehler at easy-emacs.de> wrote:

> On 26.05.20 22:09, Ilia Kurenkov wrote:
> I would also like to see what the Emacs development machine room looks
> like :)
> I would also really like if some more experienced python devs could share
> how they use Emacs, specifically how they manage the whole
> interpreter/virtualenv-switching mess...
> May you provide an issue where you got stack?

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