[emacs-berlin] May Meetup

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Sun May 24 13:00:35 UTC 2020

Hi dear Emacs people,

The May meetup is Wednesday next week, the 27th. We'll meet again in
Jitsi, provided generously hosted by Micha, with Zoom as fallback
generously hosted by Julia and Enxhi via Contentful. You'll have to
bring your own food and beverage of choice unfortunately.

=== Time and location

Room open from 18:30 CEST, if there are talks they’ll start at 19:00

Jitsi link: https://raum.graum.xyz/emacs-berlin

As usual, some of us also hang out on IRC, #emacs-berlin on freenode.

If Jitsi fails, we move to https://contentful.zoom.us/j/97756244000
(check for announcements on the list or IRC).

=== Content

Talks welcome!

I recently looked into sending HTML formatted emails from Emacs and can
shortly talk about that.

cheers, Til

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