[emacs-berlin] Minutes of February meetup

Dieter Kluenter dieter at dkluenter.de
Sat Feb 29 08:27:36 UTC 2020

Marco Wahl <marcowahlsoft at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Dieter and all,
>> I have just written some minutes of our last meetup, the file is named
>>  [minutes-26-02-20.md], available at 
>> 	https://github.com/dkluenter/emacs/
>> Comments and complaints are welcome.
> Thanks.
> I think the idea is great and also that you share the information.  If
> you keep going this could result in a valuable documentation of the 
> meetups.
> The structure and the content of the concrete minutes file could be
> improved, I think.

Yes, I agree and I will work on this.

> - Does the line "themes integration" make sense there?  What does it
>   mean?

The reason is, that one can't include private themes anymore in 27.1 or 28.x, just the
emacs included themes.  If one tries to include a theme, a warning pops
up referring to a unreliable lisp code integration.

> - Why is the remark about the cl-lib in section "change of
>   $EMACS_HOME..."?

This is probably due to git's markdown reader and my inadequate md code.

> - Why is section "Kill entire Line" empty?  I would expect at least one
>   example how to achieve this.

It's not empty, the code is there.
> Just some spontaneous thoughts, best regards,  Marco

thank you.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID: E9ED159B

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