[emacs-berlin] Mark the date: Emacs Berlin in September

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Fri Sep 15 13:37:11 UTC 2017

Hello dear Emacs afficionados and interested newbies,

Back from the summer break, the Emacs Berlin meetup will continue.
Thanks to our host Contentful the next meetup on Wednesday September
27th will be at the well known location in Ritterstraße.

No talks lined up so far, if you can think of something, that would be
great! Please send an email to us or the list with your suggestion.

As usual there will be plenty of time for chat and ad-hoc lightning
talks. Not sure about food yet, but I think it would be nice to have
something, let's see.

Date: Wednesday 27th September 2017, 19:00
Regular location: Contentful Ritterstr. 12-14, 10969 Berlin

Hope to see you there,
Andy, Arne, Til
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