[emacs-berlin] Invitation: September Meetup 28.09.2016 19:00 @ Contentful

Arne Brasseur arne.brasseur at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 15:32:44 UTC 2016

Meetup 28 September 2016, 19:00

Next week it's Emacs Berlin time! I'm excited to announce we got a great
selection of talks for you.

Doors open 19:00, some food and beverages will be provided.

location: Contentful <http://contentful.com> Ritterstr. 12-14, 10969 Berlin

Go into the courtyard, the place is on your left.
Talks “Introduction to Magit in Spacemacs” — by Julia

How I became the only one at work that loves Rebasing.
“Org-mode tables and Spreadsheet Functionality” - by Til

Org-mode takes your ASCII art tables, and turns them into magic. Automatic
formatting, moving columns or rows, it’s all a breeze. With formulas and
computed cells they even become full spreadsheets.
Lightning talks

Lightning talks are 5 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A. If you want to do a
lightning talk just come and grab one of the organizers at the start of the
event. We have these talks lined up already,
“Making music inside of Emacs” — by Fredrik

A brief overview of a compositional project, featuring Clojure, Python and
Lilypond. We’ll start out with plain Clojure data structures and eventually
end up with an engraved score and a recording.
“general-close” — by Andreas “New features in Emacs 25.1” — by Andy
<https://twitter.com/pxlpnk> “Treating Markdown as if it’s org-mode” — by
Arne <https://twitter.com/plexus>

org-mode is a very powerful package, and a great format, but support for it
outside Emacs’ ecosystem is limited, so many of us end up using Markdown.
We’ll see how to get some of that org-mode feel when editing Markdown.
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