[emacs-berlin] September Meetup: Call for Presentations

Martin Klepsch martinklepsch at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 14 10:47:16 UTC 2016

Hey everyone,

so what has been "the struggle" for me with org-mode is interoperability.
It does many things well but as soon as you don't have a running emacs at
hand getting data into and out of it is a pain (e.g. talking to someone
wanting to save a note for later to check something out).
There are a few mobile org-mode thingies but they seemed poorly
maintained/old last time I checked.

So with that in mind I'd be curious to hear other experiences about
org-mode & mobile, sync and these kinds of things.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:57 AM Arne Brasseur <arne.brasseur at gmail.com>

> Less than two weeks to go before Emacs Berlin takes a new start, and we're *looking
> for speakers*.
> By popular request the topic of this meetup will be *org-mode*. I know
> there are a lot of org-mode fans on this list, now's your chance to show
> the world. Other Emacs-y subjects are also welcome, but if there are enough
> proposals we'll give preference to talks about org-mode.
> Talks should be *20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions*. We're setting up
> a way to submit talks on the site, but for now you can simply mail to the
> list, or to me directly.
> You can also do a *lightning talk*, 5 minutes talk + 5 minutes for
> questions. These can be on any subject that Emacs people might find
> interesting, even if it's completely unrelated.
> *Emacs Berlin takes place Wednesday, September 28th 2016, 19:00,at
> Contentful (Kotti/Moritzplatz).*
> Looking forward to seeing you!
> Arne
> --
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