[emacs-berlin] September Meetup: Call for Presentations

Arne Brasseur arne.brasseur at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 09:57:21 UTC 2016

Less than two weeks to go before Emacs Berlin takes a new start, and
we're *looking
for speakers*.

By popular request the topic of this meetup will be *org-mode*. I know
there are a lot of org-mode fans on this list, now's your chance to show
the world. Other Emacs-y subjects are also welcome, but if there are enough
proposals we'll give preference to talks about org-mode.

Talks should be *20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions*. We're setting up a
way to submit talks on the site, but for now you can simply mail to the
list, or to me directly.

You can also do a *lightning talk*, 5 minutes talk + 5 minutes for
questions. These can be on any subject that Emacs people might find
interesting, even if it's completely unrelated.

*Emacs Berlin takes place Wednesday, September 28th 2016, 19:00,at
Contentful (Kotti/Moritzplatz).*

Looking forward to seeing you!

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