[emacs-berlin] Thomas' web-site and org, koma LaTeX letter from org. Was Re: June 2024 Meetup, hybrid, talks wanted

Thomas Redelberger redetho at gmx.de
Thu Jun 27 18:31:09 UTC 2024

Dear Emacs-Berlin colleagues,

Thank you for having me yesterday on LaTeX and Beamer generation from org-mode content.

Regards the question about my web-site:
I write all content in org.
E.g. for the LaTeX web-page of my site, please see the file body.org in attached archive latex-leaf.zip.
- body.org is exported to body.htm by the org-mode exporter as "minimal" HTML
- body.htm is transformed to index.htm by means of XSLT using trWNav.xml.
   This step adds the navigation, a header and footer

You might also consult the attached archive auxil.zip, which contains:
- mysetup.org for the central org in-buffer settings
- client.css for the "look" of the site
- trWSite.xsl for the "feel" of the site (=input to the XSLT transform)
- Makefile to maintain the site

These files exist only once for the whole site (at the top most directory or one directory above).
By changing client.css and trWSite.xsl, you can customise the look and feel of the site without touching any of the body.org files.
Example: I have changed the PNG navigation icons to SVG.

In init.el, I have the following code to use just one Makefile for a whole tree
: ; Use Makefile in current dir /or further up/. Can amend when prefixed with C-u
: (defun my-compile-project ()
:   (interactive)
:   ;  Use "." instead of (buffer-file-name) ?
:   (let* ((mk-dir (locate-dominating-file (buffer-file-name) "Makefile"))
:          (compile-command (concat "make -k -f " (shell-quote-argument (concat mk-dir "Makefile"))))
:          (compilation-read-command nil))
:     (call-interactively 'compile)))
: (global-set-key [f5] 'my-compile-project)

Locally, the whole site is a directory tree, with one directory per web page.
The remote site is updated using "sitecopy"

I have published the approach and the related python code under

This is modular:
- If you prefer markdown over org, then body.htm could as well be produced from a body.md source file using e.g. pandoc.
- The python scripts might as well be elisp.

Regards your question how to produce letters from org-mode, I also attach here my first attempt textLetter.org.
I added to init.el
: ;;; LaTeX/KOMA letter export
: (require 'ox-koma-letter)
to have the export option show in the org-mode exporter front-end.

I provide all these files as is, with no warranty of any kind under GNU GPL.

Best regards
redetho at gmx.de

Am 25.06.2024 um 13:34 schrieb Tilmann Singer:
> Hi Thomas,
> sounds good, thanks! Looking forward to it tomorrow.
> cheers, Til
> Thomas Redelberger <redetho at gmx.de> writes:
>> Hi Tilmann,
>> I would be ready to give a brief talk about using Emacs + org-mode to generate "beamer" slides and LaTeX articles.
>> Last year I had talked about generating HTML and PowerPoint from org-content.
>> I have documented all this in sub directories of
>>    https://web222.webclient5.de/doc/swdev/emacs/orgmode
>> The web-pages have ZIP archives for download with example and configuration files.
>> Best regards
>> Thomas
>> --
>> redetho at gmx.de
>> Am 19.06.2024 um 19:54 schrieb Tilmann Singer:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> The next meetup is next week, Wednesday June 26th, in-person and remote.
>>> We'd like to begin with talk(s) and Q&A with the in-person and remote
>>> groups connected, and once that is over split into two separate groups,
>>> because free-form chatting doesn't seem to work well in the hybrid
>>> setup.
>>> Therefore the important question: do you want to give a talk? It would
>>> be very welcome! Can be improvised, a newbie experience report, about an
>>> esoteric programming language ... anything slightly Emacs related.
>>> === Time and location
>>> In person: c-base [1] (Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin [2]) in the
>>> Seminarraum/Haeutungskammer, starts at 19:00 CET. Hosted by Berber.
>>> Remote: Jitsi [3], starts at 19:00 CEST (room open a bit earlier).
>>> == Remote Organizer Help Wanted
>>> Still looking for someone to help a bit with the remote part of this
>>> meetup, such as filling in when I don't have time.
>>> === Code of Conduct
>>> We want to be an inclusive and welcoming event and as such have adopted
>>> the Berlin Code of Conduct [4].
>>> greetings, Til
>>> [1] https://c-base.org/impressum/
>>> [2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/260050809
>>> [3] https://jitsi.emacs-berlin.org/june-2024
>>> [4] https://berlincodeofconduct.org/
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> emacs-berlin mailing list
>>> emacs-berlin at emacs-berlin.org
>>> https://mailb.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-berlin
>> --
>> Thomas Redelberger
>> redetho at gmx.de
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#+SETUPFILE: ~/mysetup.org
#+TITLE: Test Title
#+SUBJECT: Test Subject 
#+DATE: {{{modification-time(%F)}}}
#+LANGUAGE:       de

#+FROM_ADDRESS:   Your street and number\\Your ZIP and town
#+TO_ADDRESS:     Geldspeicher\\Geflügelweg 1\\12345 Entenhausen
#+OPENING:        Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
#+CLOSING:        Freundliche Grüße
#+PLACE:          Your town
#+LCO:            DIN
#+PHONE_NUMBER:   Your phone number
#+URL:            Your web address
#+EMAIL:          Your e-mail
#+OPTIONS:        phone:t url:nil email:t

Beispiel-Absatz mit "speziellen Anführungszeichen".

Exemple de lettre écrite avec Org-mode. Exemple de lettre écrite avec
Org-mode. Exemple de lettre écrite avec Org-mode. Exemple de lettre
écrite avec Org-mode. Exemple de lettre écrite avec Org-mode. Exemple
de lettre écrite avec Org-mode.
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