[emacs-berlin] Presentation on switch from doom emacs

chris 7vp6jebjwhle at mailbox.org
Wed May 10 20:59:58 UTC 2023

Hi jman. Thanks for the feedback!

I have found (at least for my emacs usage) that I did not need all of the things doom emacs has pre-configured or allows the user to configure. For example I had quite a few modules enabled just in case and for the modules I did use I would sometimes need only a subset of their functionality.

Part of my talk will be on the doom module system and dealing with the documentation problem. I hope that will be of help.

> On 10. May 2023, at 00:21, jman <emacs-berlin at city17.xyz> wrote:
>> I have recently found myself with too much time on my hands and thus (naturally) started tinkering with my emacs config.
>> As a result I have switched from using doom emacs to using my own config.
>> Since a few of you do use either spacemacs or doomemacs I am offering to give a short presentation on my switch and answer any questions you might have.
> Hi Chris!
> I've been using Doom for about 2 years, at the time I had switched because I was
> seriously tired of manually configuring Emacs to have it working right, here my
> motivations at the time[0].
> I have since then a hate-love relationship with Doom: it's brittle, the
> aggressive *.el caching system is confusing and when something breaks the errors
> are inscrutable. But when it works, it works great :)
> I'd truly love to hear about your experience. I am slowly getting into a place
> where I'd like to go back to vanilla, too. Especially since Emacs 28/29 we have
> eglot and project.el bundled. But being Doom so opaque and poorly documented I
> have no idea of the packages that I have installed and how they're configured.
> Replicating my Doom config on vanilla Emacs would be a nightmare.
> For reference, here's my doom config[1] and my last good vanilla Emacs
> config[2].
> Happy to hear from other people!
> [0]: https://www.city17.xyz/doom-emacs/
> [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~jman/dotfiles/tree/master/item/doom
> [2]: https://git.sr.ht/~jman/dotfiles/tree/master/item/emacs/.config/emacs
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