[emacs-berlin] [Suggestion] Announce Meetups on reddit

Marco Wahl marcowahlsoft at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 21:22:44 UTC 2020

Tilmann Singer <tils at tils.net> writes:

> Apparently "someone" did that for the January meetup already, and it
> resulted in no less than 50 upvotes. Great success ;)

LOL.  Expect the masses join the next meetup.

> https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/evpar8/emacs_berlin_january_29th_2020_meetup/
> Feel free to continue to do that, anything that increases the chance
> that others are reminded of an upcoming meetup is fine with us I
> suppose.

So I try to keep posting such announcements.

Thanks and regards,

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