[emacs-berlin] i3-bar clarification

Lefteris Karapetsas lefteris at refu.co
Thu Mar 26 00:50:34 UTC 2015

Sorry for sending this to the whole list.

Someone asked me what were those symbols on my i3-bar after my presentation..
All I remembered at the time was that I was using conky to provide the
values to the i3bar. I am using i3wm <http://i3wm.org> as my window manager..

Checking my .conkyrc I can confirm that this was it. And they are simple
unicode characters.

For example this is at the end of my conkyrc.

# JSON for i3bar

{"full_text": " ❤ $acpitemp°C [$cpu%] ","color":
{"full_text": " I/O: $diskio", "color":"\#D683FF"},
{"full_text": " GPU: ${execi 60 nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep Gpu |
cut -c39-40}°C",
              "color": "\#3E63D1"},
{"full_text": " ≣ [$memeasyfree] ", "color":"\#B58900"},
{"full_text": " ⛁ / [${fs_free /}] ", "color": "\#99CC33"},
{"full_text": " ⛁ /home [${fs_free /home}] ", "color": "\#99CC33"},
{"full_text": " ≈ ${wireless_essid wlan0} [${wireless_link_qual_perc
wlan0}%] ","color":"\#33CC99"},
{"full_text": " ☍ eno1 [${addr eno1}] ","color":"\#33CC99"},
{"full_text": " up [${uptime}] ", "color": "\#3399CC"},
{"full_text": " ${time %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} "}

You can read more information about how to use conky and i3bar here
Hope this email reaches you!

Lefteris(Eleftherios) Karapetsas  Click here <http://lefteris.refu.co> for
my CV/portfolio website
<http://lefteris.refu.co>   Also maintain a blog <http://blog.refu.co>on
various topics, mostly engineering
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