sunday, june 25, 10 pm: easy rider (james benning)

pirate cinema berlin sebastian at
Sat Jun 24 06:31:16 UTC 2017

This is probably the most faithful scene-by-scene remake of Easy Rider you're 
going to see in a long time. It is still very much a James Benning film -- so 
if you get easily bored, bring something to read; preferably a printout of 
(warning: mild spoilers ahead) this:


                                                                         june 25
                                                                           10 pm

                                                                      easy rider
                                                                   james benning
                                                                    2012, 95 min

                                                            pirate cinema berlin
                                                                u kottbusser tor
                                                           e-mail for directions


pirate cinema berlin

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