[emacs-berlin] August 2024 Meetup

Zeremonienmeister Berber berber at zmberber.com
Tue Aug 27 21:02:16 UTC 2024

ah ok, very funny that we both sent a message within a minute of each other..

i am asking the people at c-base now if it is ok if people just show up and if we have an "ersatzpate".  someone to just be there.

if someone wants to be there in person it should be easy to make it happen, but yeah otherwise we can just have it completely remote.

maybe write it on the website i don't know.

sorry again for writing this late...

Aug 27, 2024 13:51:51 Tilmann Singer <tils at tils.net>:

> Hi everyone,
> August meetup is tomorrow already, Wednesday 28th. This time only
> remote.
> No talks scheduled, so it will as usual just be a casual hangout with
> some Emacs related chatting without an agenda. You are invited to
> spontaneously share, live-code, ask questions etc.
> === Time and location
> Remote: Jitsi [1], starts at 19:00 CEST (room open a bit earlier).
> === Code of Conduct
> We want to be an inclusive and welcoming event and as such have adopted
> the Berlin Code of Conduct [2].
> greetings, Til
> [1] https://jitsi.emacs-berlin.org/august-2024
> [2] https://berlincodeofconduct.org/

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