[emacs-berlin] Beamer slides from org document - access to test and configuration files

Thomas Redelberger redetho at gmx.de
Thu Mar 28 14:55:41 UTC 2024

Dear Emacs Berlin participants,

Thank you for your interest in Beamer slides at the Emacs Berlin meeting yesterday.

You might want to pick up the file 'org2beamer.zip' from my site
The ZIP includes the test and configuration files.

I amended the babel LaTeX statement as per Ihor's advice.
Then, you just do
in the org file as usual, with the ISO language code xx.
The org-mode beamer exporter handles the rest.

Regards the heading level issue:
: #+OPTIONS: H:2
I have taken from the org-mode manual section 13.8.6 A Beamer Example (Emacs version 28.2)

Best regards
redetho at gmx.de

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