[emacs-berlin] Presentation on switch from doom emacs

sienic sienic at proton.me
Thu May 11 08:12:21 UTC 2023

Hi Chris,

I find myself thinking in similar lines.  I went from vanilla (two years) to doom emacs (two years), and thinking also to transition away from Doom.

Have you tried using Prelude?  I did so during the last weeks, and it gives you a pretty good set of defaults while keeping everything lightweight.  One thing Doom does better though is the handling of new windows and popups (I find it very much annoying not knowing where a popup or buffer is going to be opened -- it messes up the layout).

If someone has the ultimate solution to making this more deterministic (Popper does help with popups), please share!

Essential packages: vterm, isend, org-roam, perspective-el (has anybody tried bufler?), multiple-cursors, magit, windmove, company, smartparens, avy, ace-window, jq-mode, restclient-mode, popper, markdown-mode.  The rest is depending on what you do with emacs, but in general packages or own-made functions which dispatch commands in compilation mode (e.g. run tests, lint, compile) are a productivity game changer (e.g. rubocop package).

Things I'd like to find a solution/replacement to:  The windows popup issue, a non-buggy way of centring a window.  A package that captures the lookup functions of Doom (e.g. +lookup/definition).
I would also want to leave evil mode, but I find ex commands (normal ex mode is my favourite), and other text-object based commands ideal for editing.  I guess one has to find the emacs way of achieving the same (perhaps rectangle-mode, smartparens, kmacros -- I am looking forward to try combobulate!).

Have a nice day

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------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 at 09:56, chris <7vp6jebjwhle at mailbox.org> wrote:

> Hello fellow emacs users.
> I have recently found myself with too much time on my hands and thus (naturally) started tinkering with my emacs config.
> As a result I have switched from using doom emacs to using my own config.
> Since a few of you do use either spacemacs or doomemacs I am offering to give a short presentation on my switch and answer any questions you might have.
> Additionally I’d like to ask (1) those of you that have already configured emacs yourself which packages (or builtin functionality) you deem essential to your usage of emacs and (2) for packages you always wanted to check out but never had the time to. I am neither asking for details nor config snippets but rather a short description.
> Along with the above presentation I’d like to try out your suggestions and include some of them in the presentation.
> Please let met know if your are interested in either.
> Have a nice week!
> Chris
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