[emacs-berlin] Recording of supaplex.el talk published

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Sat Jan 14 13:32:30 UTC 2023

jman <emacs-berlin at city17.xyz> writes:
> Now we only have to ... produce great content! :)


> Are there plans to
> move there also the old meetup content? Mostly just as a "filler" for an
> otherwise yet empty channel, I'm thinking.

You mean the 6 videos that are on YouTube [1]? Good idea. Access to the
account to manage the YouTube channel are lost unfortunately, as well as
the originals of the videos, so someone would need to download them from
YouTube with something like youtube-dl and re-upload them to diode.zone.
I can do that but slowly. If someone else wants to do it, email me
off-list to share the diode credentials.

greetings, Til

[1] Oh wow, Arne was talking about mastodon.el 5 years ago already
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