[emacs-berlin] multilang.el (example Emacs config)

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at inka.de
Fri Sep 20 20:10:45 UTC 2019

Hi Ilia,

on Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 9:50 PM you wrote:
> Maybe consider renaming "dont-change-dictionary" to
> "keep-dictionary".

Just updated my code, thanks for the suggestion! (naming is such a nice

As for making the argument optional: It’s optional in the `my-edit…`
functions.  The `my--edit-in-language` function is  by convention of
using two hyphens internal / private.

> This is probably over-engineering, but it might pay to put all the
> language settings together in some kind of list and then loop over
> that list, performing the relevant setup for each language.

Too lazy, although in general I hate redundancy. ;)

> I'm afraid I can't comment on the issues you brought up, just
> discovered typo-mode from your code and so far I have only managed my
> keyboard layout from my OS, not Emacs.

Yeah, that stuff is really arcane.  I don’t expect others to change
keyboard layout from within Emacs.  I’m doing that due to my setup
(Emacs running in X-Server under Windows).  Then I started seeing the
benefits (and issues).



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