[emacs-berlin] August Meetup

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Thu Aug 23 17:00:52 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

Yes, despite the still ongoing summer there will be an Emacs meetup this
August - next week on Wednesday 29th, starting around 19:30. As usual at
our kind sponsor Contentful who also sponsors pizza and drinks
(non-alcoholic and alcoholic).

I'll try to give a short intro to the notmuch email client [1] this
time, which I didn't get around to prepare before last July meetup.

Please think of something that you want to show or talk about - the
meetup lives from your contributions! No fancy presentation required,
just a little enthusiasm ;). Reply here or to us directly if you want to
announce something.

see you all soon, Til

[1] https://notmuchmail.org/
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