[emacs-berlin] Next meetup, location: above Betahaus

Tilmann Singer tils at tils.net
Mon Jun 22 08:29:29 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

time flies, summer is almost over before it began (ahem), and the next
emacs meetup is coming up! Next wednesday we will meet again at the Ganz
Oben office _above_ Betahaus like last time, at 7pm. Here are detailed
instructions how to get there - if it's your first time there: it can be
a bit tricky to find the entrance:


I'd like to give a short hands-on intro on how to use the spreadsheet
capabilities of org-mode, and how I use it personally. As usual, there's
enough time for ad-hoc presentations of any kind, so feel free to
spontaneously come up with something.

Beginners guarantee: and as usual, all beginners are very welcome! We
guarantee that someone sits aside with you and helps with installation
and getting started, if you wish.

No plans regarding food yet, but I guess we'll come up with something.
Help us estimate how much to get by replying if you plan to attend.

cheers, Til
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