[emacs-berlin] One year anniversary

Arne Brasseur arne.brasseur at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 14:55:54 UTC 2015

Hello Emacsarians,

On 27 March 2014 a handful of people got together at the former Travis
Office at Moritzplatz for the very first Emacs Berlin meetup. Here are the
notes of what we did that day [1]

This means that our next meetup on 25 March 2015 will be our one year
anniversary. Yay \o/

Because of this I'd like to make a little more effort to make this a great
day, and to invite some people that maybe haven't found the way to our
little corner of the geekyverse yet.

Here's what I'm thinking

- prepare an "introduction to Emacs" talk, suitable for people coming from
Notepad, so to speak. I'm happy to do this, I'd also be very happy to get
some help with this :) raise your hand if this sounds like your kind of

- do some lightning talks in the 5 min + 5 min Q&A format. This doesn't
have to be a lot of effort to prepare, and it could be a great follow-up
after the introduction to zoom in on specific things, a mode, package,
feature you really like. So, let us know what topic you feel like covering!
Again, this isn't much work to prepare, you'd be amazed how fast 5 minutes
go by. Also don't think any topic is "too basic".

- ask everybody who attended before to invite a friend, in particular
someone who doesn't fit the mold of the average attendee so far. One year
in we really should start thinking about diversity more, and a little
affirmative action can go a long way. It'll be a very beginner-friendly
edition, we'll make it extra clear on the website and on the announcement
that we aim to create a safe and welcoming space, and we'll make double
sure there will be drinks and snacks to sweeten the deal :)

What do you think?


[1]: http://emacs-berlin.org/20140327.html
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